Woodenergy - warm home, cool planet
Last updated: August 2021
Woodenergy.ie aims to promote the use of wood biomass from sustainably managed forests as a renewable, climate friendly energy source. It is a dedicated information service based on national and international R&D findings, standards and business practice. Click on the highlighted words to find out more about the topic.
Information can be found on the supply chain of wood pellets, firewood, and wood chips, both from the forest and from Short Rotation Coppice - SRC, harvesting, thinnings, clearfell, SRC, storage, wood pellets, firewood, woodchips, transportation, handling, processing machinery, chippers, wood fuel quality, size distribution, moisture content, ash content, Wood Fuel Quality Assurance scheme (WFQA), health and safety, carbon monoxide, oxygen depletion, fungi spores, self ignition, stoves and boilers, units and conversion factors, standards on solid biofuels, availability of wood as a fuel in Ireland, the consumption of wood in Ireland, for both industrial and energy purposes, Policy - Draft Bioenergy Plan and Forests, products and people, Grant schemes, Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas balance.
Woodenergy.ie is a free, independent advisory service for residents of Ireland (both the Republic and Northern Ireland) where you can submit questions and get answers to them on wood fuels and the supply chain, as well as on wood combustion. Questions on boilers and stoves can also be submitted and will be answered as far as possible. For more information on boilers and suppliers of wood fuel, please visit the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland website (For certified wood fuel suppliers of firewood, wood chips, wood pellets and briquettes, visit https://www.wfqa.org/).
Woodenergy.ie is supported and updated by the well-known international wood fuel expert Pieter D. Kofman, who has over 30 years experience in wood fuel harvesting R&D, and business practice in the transport, specification and costing of wood fuels. The advisory service can be accessed by using the online "Advisory service" form.
Woodenergy.ie aims to be user friendly and all feedback is welcome. The site is managed by Forest Sector Development/COFORD Division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.